Friday, June 4, 2010

Netbeans vs Eclipse PDT

  1. Netbeans – variables and function names can be refactored at once (highlight $var + ctrl + r + type new $var + enter)
  2. Netbeans – SVN is somewhat more integrated in the editor in which changes in actual line of code are indicated at left side of the editor.
  3. Netbeans – duplication of line is more friendly, just alt + up arrow if you want the copy of line placed on top of existing line or alt + down arrow if you want the copy of line place at the following line.
  4. Netbeans – hyperlink navigation is more intensive even those methods of classes that are dynamically loaded either via DI (dependency injection) or others can be tracked because it understands namespaces.
  5. Netbeans – it understands variable type definitions in comments which is essential in code completion.
  6. Netbeans – maybe I just don’t know where to find it in eclipse, but in netbeans you can set the number of spaces your single tab have.
  7. Eclipse – revision number beside files and folders


  1. does netbeans have a sql and uml editor?

  2. As I remember there is a UML feature plugin but I have not tried it yet.
